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248 Tatyana Mamut - Build, Learn, and Iterate

Tatyana Mamut is the Founder & CEO of, helping companies unlock ROI with AI agents.

247 Jason and Steve - The Athlete's Edge

Are you ready to unlock your potential and bridge the gap between ambition and accomplishment?

246 Marc Reifenrath - A Better Leader Every Day

Marc Reifenrath is CEO and co-founder of Spinutech, LLC, a full-service digital agency with more...

243 Richard Safeer - Cure for the Common Company

Richard Safeer, MD, is the Chief Medical Director of Employee Health and Well-being at Johns...

237 Dennis Franczak - Yourself. Your Work. Your Legacy.

Dennis Franczak, Founder and Partner of Bright Matter Advisors, is a seasoned entrepreneur and...

234 Emma Donovan - Finding Joy in the Ordinary

Emma Donovan is a seasoned entrepreneur with 15+ years of experience in brand strategy and...

233 Andrew Bartlow - Clarity is the Magic Wand

Andrew Bartlow is the Founder and Managing Partner of Series B Consulting, which advises PE and...

230 Kait LeDonne - Community and Connection at Scale

Kait LeDonne is a personal branding expert based in New York, New York, who builds thought...

227 Angela Cheng-Cimini - Leadership is a First Principle

Angela Cheng-Cimini, Senior Vice President, Talent & Chief Human Resources Officer for Harvard...

225 Rob Buffington - Build Your Strengths, Hire For Everything Else

Rob Buffington defies the standard mold of a consultant with a remarkable history of owning over a...

224 Chip Massey - Former FBI Negotiator Helping People

Chip Massey, a former FBI Special Agent, has led high-profile criminal cases, investigated the...

223 Andrea Herron - The Elephant in the Office

Andrea Herron is the VP of HR at WebMD, a published author of “There’s an Elephant in Your Office,”...

220 Mike Kaeding - How to Keep the Talent Density High

Mike Kaeding, the CEO of Norhart, a pioneering $200M construction company, has a deeply personal...

219 Jason Yarusi - How Are You Showing Up?

Jason is a private fund manager overseeing over $300 million in multifamily real estate and an...

218 Kasia Siwosz - When You're In It, You're In It

Kasia Siwosz effortlessly bridges worlds from the tennis courts of post-communist Poland to the...