The Insight Interviews

183 Christy Pretzinger - The Tapestry of Culture

Written by Rewire Inc. | Dec 7, 2023 5:44:47 PM

Christy Pretzinger is the Owner & CEO of WriterGirl. She is an innovator who has revolutionized healthcare content creation. Her unique approach to business, centered on kindness and personal development, has not only transformed workplaces but also empowered teams to achieve unprecedented success. She speaks to various industries, not just healthcare, and is writing a book to help people thrive in their environment. Her greatest joy is watching others improve their lives through becoming more self-aware, leading to enriched relationships and a more meaningful life.


In this episode, Steve and Christy discuss:

  • Building a Thriving Culture
  • Teaching Humility and Self-Awareness
  • Using the Enneagram in Organizations and as a tool for Self-Awareness
  • The ROI of Culture
  • Reinventing the World of Work

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to build a strong organizational culture that fosters teamwork and employee satisfaction
  • Discover the importance of self-awareness and humility in becoming an effective leader and creating a positive work environment
  • Unlock the power of the Enneagram for personal growth and understanding behavior, leading to better communication and productivity in the workplace
  • Recognize your employees as the most valuable asset of your organization and discover strategies to engage and motivate them
  • Understand how a positive work culture can directly impact your business success and bottom line, leading to increased productivity, customer satisfaction, and employee retention


“Creating a good culture takes time and intention. It's not just ping pong tables and beer kegs. It's about understanding people, meeting them where they are, and helping them fulfill their hopes and dreams.”

Christy Pretzinger

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Christy Pretzinger - The Tapestry of Culture

Hello, everybody, and welcome to this episode of The Insight Interviews- Powered by REWIRE. This is your host, Steve Scanlon. Today I've got a very, very cool guest, and if you, in your life and in your business have ever thought, man, I wish I could create a really cool work environment, and I wish that I could put that together and really have a great culture, well, then today's your podcast, because I've got a great guest today, and in fact, we're just going to introduce her. Christy Pretzinger, say hello to the insight interview world.        

Hello, everyone. And hello, Steve. Thank you for having me. I very much appreciate it.

Great to have you here. So, we're going to get into this work that you do that I half the time, Christy, I think we're doing this for me. Like, I'm taking notes, going, oh, my goodness, I'm learning so much. This is cool. But we'll get into what you do and how you do it, and you get to share a little bit about who you are and where you're from and all of that. Before we do, our little, I don't know why this became a thing, but it did. We start almost every episode with the following question. You ready?


What are you grateful for?

Oh, wow. That's a really good question. I'm grateful for so many things. I think the thing that I come I mean, other than my son, obviously, but the thing that I'm most grateful for, and the same time, I'm grateful I'm also humbled by the gift that I get to lead a group of extraordinary people and feed into their lives-that is something I don't take for granted. I'm very aware of it and very grateful for it.       

The gift of working with extraordinary people.

And of actually having the opportunity to feed into their lives in whatever way I think that's quite a gift. It's quite a gift.

Sometimes when we're doing our work around here, when you're feeding into someone else's life, I have one of our coaches calls it walking with someone in their precious cargo.

I like that.        


That's kind of what they're bringing to the table. So if you're working with extraordinary people, which it sounds like you are, you get to walk with them with their precious cargo.

Yeah. That's really lovely.

Well, that's a great gratitude. All right, well, so without further ado, again, I can go on and read your bio. I don't particularly like to do that. Would you mind giving us, you know, I don't know. I call it a thumbnail sometimes a Reader's Digest. Like, tell us about Christy Pretzinger. What would we need to know? What are the highlights? I don't know. Give us who are you and why are we here?

Well, I'm a business owner, and that's been quite an interesting ride. The business itself is wonderful, and we do strategy and content in the healthcare space right now, and that's wonderful. But what really drives me and my passion is really creating an environment where people can thrive. And I didn't know that when I was building my business because I think, as anybody who is listening, who's a business owner, knows, that when you're building a business, you're just like, busy, busy, busy. You're doing it all and probably don't have employees yet. And then it gets bigger. Things change. As I now can work more on the business than in the business, I really focus on the culture of our organization. A few years back, we found out we did some work with some consultants, and they did some surveying to figure out what was the core of our business, the thing without which we would not exist. And it came out that it was our culture, which I think for a lot of business owners is interesting. You think, well, that's not really revenue producing, but actually I've seen in my own experience that it is indeed revenue producing, but even more so, like I just said, what I'm grateful for is you know, if you're a leader of any type, whether you own a business or just have a team you lead or whatever, even just if it's your family or children, the fact that you are feeding into their lives is a real privilege. And I've always really held that dear. And over the period of the past, I don't know, not quite 20 years, I don't think it's been that I've been running this, it’s really proven to be the most joyful aspect of the entire process.

Culture I can't wait to ask you so many questions. This is why I don't send people questions, because I could send you ten questions that I had as a result of reading about you and knowing you, but then I never get to them because I just have so many thoughts. Culture -any people use this word and think, I know what it means and I get it. And maybe you can see it. Just want to dive right in and go, let's say I'm an organization and I wake up one day and I'm this CEO or I'm someone in the C suite, and I don't particularly have the culture I want. What are some of your first thoughts, questions that you would ask to get someone-how do you just go, get this? Because I don't know if it's just like reading a book or something. Christy, help us. What are some of your initial thoughts about helping an organization have a better culture?

"I think that if people are truly serious about creating a good culture for their people, that you have to understand that it takes time, and it takes intention and that it's a long game."

I once told a friend something about how I handled a process, and it's longer if you're really trying to help someone. You've talked about coaching a bit, Steve. It's like if you're really trying to elicit information from people and get them to think, that takes longer than just telling somebody what to do. So, it's a long game, and you have to mean what you say and say what you mean, and that doesn't happen overnight. People aren't going to believe you right away. They have to actually see it in action. So, when I told my friend a way that I'd handled something and like I said, it took longer, and her response was, she was a business owner, she said, I don't have time for that. And I said, well, that's fine, but don't pretend like culture matters to you then, and that's okay. It doesn't have to. You don't have to make culture matter if it doesn't matter to you, but don't fool yourself. It's not ping pong tables and beer kegs. It's much deeper and understanding people, meeting them where they are and recognizing that they have hopes and dreams, and that if you're lucky, you're helping them fulfill some of those. I think one of the biggest things that I learned over time, too, is in order to truly be able to build a culture that allows people to thrive, the leader has to be humble. There has to be a level of humility there. If its ego driven, it's just not going to work. So, I would say starting with being humble, being self-aware is huge because then you can demonstrate that self-awareness to your team and also recognizing that truly building a culture, it takes time and intention, and it's a long game.

This is already- we dove into the deep end of the pool here. Hold on a second. So humility and awareness?


So let's say someone is earnest about growing their culture and however it is you determine, and you mentioned these two things, humility and awareness. I consider those two things like soft skills, right? Theres hard skills, you know how to hammer a nail, you know how to do specific things. Humility and self-awareness to me are great examples of soft skills. And there's a huge debate as to whether or not those can be taught or even learned. Or do you just go find people that have them? Like, what's your thought on can you teach humility? Can you coach it? Can you coach awareness? And if so, how?

Well, I think first I want to address something that I say all the time that I'm not sure who decided what were hard and soft skills because developing humility and self-awareness is a lot harder than hammering a nail. Those are skills that are technically, they're task oriented kind of things, doing accounting or that kind of stuff. But really the soft skills like humility, empathy, patience, understanding, all of those, the things that in my world weave the tapestry of the culture are the ones that more challenging. So, in terms of learning, from what I understand, I remember a while back hearing, of course we all know who Brene Brown is now, but that I saw her speak and she was talking at the time, and I think it's in her latest book where she talks about because she's a scientist, the data that there is data that empathy can be taught. Now, I don't know if it's gone about humility or some of the other things, but empathy can be taught, which I thought was really encouraging, because if it can be taught, then that means you can find teachable people who want to learn it. When it comes to humility, I used to always say, like back in the day, be careful what you pray for because then you're going to get it. If you pray for humility, you will be humbled. But I think being humbled in my own experience, because I was humbled many years ago, quite seriously, that made me realize I really, really was in need of some good counselors around me and realizing that I didn't know the answer to everything. So, for me, being humbled was no fun at all. I did not enjoy it, but it allowed me to become a leader that built this organization. So, that is how I developed humility. I'm not really sure how other people do, but I do firmly believe and have the experience of being the leader who demonstrates humility, that I see other people feel free and safe in this environment to show humility as opposed to ego.        

Yeah, see that's so fascinating because you're using that word in so many- this is what makes you a good writer, probably- you're using that word in so many creative ways. Like you said, I was humble. And when I hear that, I affiliate that more with almost the word humiliation a little bit, right, as opposed to being humble for other people. And again, it probably all stems from the same word, but it sounds to me like whatever you went through, you went through this thing, and it humbled you. And as a result of that, you grew as an individual. Do I have that right?

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I think in my experience too, obviously I've talked to a lot of different business owners, and frequently I will run into people who say things like, well, I'm the best at doing this, or they just automatically assume they know more than the people that they hire. And I've always kind of looked at that with curiosity because I think, all right, except you already know what you know, you don't know what all these other people know. Don't you want to find that out? They might know some things you don't know. And I've always felt the adage that if I'm smartest person in the room, I'm in the wrong room. That doesn't mean that I don't have unique or particular skill sets and insights that allow me to be- clearly, I am not the integrator for the organization.


"Recognizing what you're good at and what you're not good at, it is part of the humility too. Just knowing that get somebody who's better than you at that and leave you to where your talents lie."

I do think in terms of self-awareness, you know, one of the things that I did over the years, this was just for me in particular, anybody can choose whatever they want., but I started learning about the enneagram, which you're probably familiar with, and so I started learning about it. And what I particularly enjoyed when I started learning about twelve years ago was that while it's behavior a personality kind of typing system, like many other ones that are out there, the difference with the enneagram is that it teaches you about your motivation, not your behavior, because your behavior can look alike. Many people can behave in certain ways, and depending what task I'm engaged in, I can look very different. But the driver for my behavior is different than somebody whose behavior looks similar to mine. So, once I started learning about that, I also started realizing that, you know, I'm a grown up and I can moderate my behavior. That if there are behaviors, especially as a leader of an organization that are off putting or shut people down or anything like that, like for example, I can tend to process things very quickly. It doesn't make me smarter than I am. I just process faster. Some people have to stop and process in their body more slowly. I process in my head and it's more quickly. But I realized that when I do that, if I'm not paying attention to who I am speaking to, to whom I'm speaking, that I can shut them down because I'm going blah blah blah, and just moving through things so fast they don't even have a chance to catch a breath. I sometimes joke that the people who are like, body type, slower processors are like, I'm going to ask you a question, and I'm going to go check my email while you think about it. And then we'll come back. Because they need that time to process. And I don't need to be driving them crazy by continuing to talk to them. So, I learned to moderate that kind of behavior for me personally through the study of the Enneagram.
I think you can do that with whatever kind of thing you want, but really wanting to know more about my own behavior as it related to other people in my life.

Well, we'll put a whole host of things in the show notes. Our team has a pretty good capacity to go through these. And if people want, I mean, we'll give access. The Enneagram is not a proprietary code and so there's a lot of organizations. You got to find one online, we use the Enneagram Institute. And anybody listening to this, if you're listening to Christy going, I don't even know what the heck that is, she and I both highly- it's a beautiful, beautiful in the whole world know and by the way, there's a world of them. Christy, you know this right? There's Myers Briggs and there's- the world of assessments has become pretty diffused. The Enneagram is brilliant and actually quite rich and deep. And so, in the show notes we'll put out, if somebody wants to go and understand that how to have access to an Enneagram profile.

Yeah, it's a marvelous tool and we use it throughout our organization and have for years. Everyone who is hired is typed and they have a typing interview. So, it's done with a person as opposed to a test so that it can be more accurate. So do lunch and learns or workshops. Even though we're virtual when people come together, we'll do like a daylong workshop about change management based on the Enneagram and let people speak about their experience of a particular change that the organization is going through from their perspective as their Enneagram type. And so, it creates again, it creates that empathy. It creates a space for humility because you can kind of laugh about yourself a little bit like, oh, I'm not the only one who does that. Or I thought really, I thought I was just the only one that did that. And so, it kind of allows you to be vulnerable because everybody is being vulnerable. Like, oh wow, I didn't know that's why I did that. So that has been a tremendous tool in my life, pardon me, and also in my organization for not only my own self-awareness, but the self-awareness of everyone on the team.

Boy, that's so great. So I have to ask you, even if I hope we don't alienate anybody that doesn't understand the profile, what is your Enneagram?

I am a hard seven, actually.        

God bless you, friend.

I'm a one to one seven, which. Is even more-

Oh my God, I'm a seven.

Yeah. Do you know your subtype?        

Yeah. But if we start getting into that, we'll have to rewire this whole thing, because maybe people aren't familiar with that. One of the things about that tool that I find fascinating, and you alluded to this, you did a great job of it, and you teach it, so I imagine you would, but it really points to your light and your darkness and doesn't try to say that one is good or bad.


And that's why it's such a great awareness tool. It doesn't say, okay, here's where you might come at this from a motive that's X.        


But rather than say, oh, I want to eradicate that. Well, you can't. It's part of who you are, so, you learn to understand that after the show. We'll come together as sevens and have a good cry. I don't know.

Well, what I will say about that, and this can happen with any self-awareness thing. What I love about becoming more self-aware through whatever tool you choose, whether it's just reading or workshops or coaching or the enneagram or whatever, is that these things that I learn about myself help me loosen the strictures of my personality, so that I can see that they're there. I can recognize when going to the low side and moderate that behavior. And I do that largely because it makes me feel better, because I feel terrible if I make somebody else feel terrible, but also because, more importantly, I want to make sure that whoever I'm speaking to is not being somehow put off by my behavior. So, I think that self-awareness is just the key to everything.

And much like humility again, I hate to ask you this, have you encountered again, obviously, we'd never use any names, but have you encountered people where you recognize, like, whoa, you can feel there's a lack of awareness there?


But isn't it interesting, Christy and what I'd love to hear you speak about is if you find that if you asked them, most people that are self-aware don't know that, which is part of awareness. Right?                    

Yeah. And the cut I always make is everybody thinks they're funny and a good driver, and that's just not true. So, it's probably the same thing with self-awareness. A lot of people think they're very self-aware, and by the fact that they're even talking about it in the way they're talking about it, you're kind of like, maybe not so much. Yeah, I'm fortunate in our organization that the people that I'm closest to certainly have a lot of self-awareness. People that have been with me the longest, who have done the enneagram work with me and when we were a smaller team. So there's a lot of that. And then the friends that I have in my life are very self-aware as well. So, I've kind of engineered my life in such a way that I don't spend a whole lot of time with people with the lack of self-awareness. In fact, I joke with my COO, who's also my dear friend, that we have other friends, obviously, outside of work, and we always joke that the more self-aware you become, the less tolerance you have for your friends that aren't self-aware. You're kind of just like, okay, everything will be fine, I'm sure. And it's not even worth talking because they're not going to- people who come to you with the same problem over and over again and never, ever moderate their behavior or fix it- you're just like, okay, I guess you have nothing to do with that. That's all right. We'll let that go.

Yeah, well, in the field of neuroscience, there's a saying that says, if you can name it, you can tame it. And I once thought about it, and people who don't name it and tame it will often blame it.

Oh, that's good.

Yeah. But I got to be honest with you. My coach I have a coach, and my coach came to me today, and he was like, over the weekend, I had this thought, and I recognized this thought, and I was like, Whoa, he's 60 some odd years old. He's like, it was really remarkable that I still have the capacity to think that. And he went on to describe his recognition of his own thinking. He's like, wow, it feels interesting to know I still have so much to work through. And I was like, these are the kind of people I want to be around.

Yeah, I'll catch myself thinking something that is not a thought that I would like to be a person who has, if that makes any sense. And then I'm like, what are you even thinking? What's that about? And kind of try and bring it to the surface and at least be like, well, that's just being a little bit of a hypocrite right there. Maybe you should think about that.

But that's the awareness piece, and I always tell people that don't want to practice what you and I practice there is like, if you ever really wanted to see it, just like you said, get in a car. Because for some reason, that activity, you think you're the only person on the planet that knows how to do it. So, you walk around, that idiot doesn't just turn like he didn't stop there, going too fast, and recognizing that you do that is super cool. But that's awareness. All right, wait. I got more questions for you really quickly. You deploy this in the field of healthcare a lot with regard to helping people build cultures and having great places to work, et cetera, et cetera. I sort of wanted to ask you because you sound like you could do this anyway, and I think I read that you were an adjunct professor somewhere, right?

No, I don't think I am

Oh okay.
Well, I thought - then I didn't read that. Well, you get to be today. That was my point. You're going to be a professor today, okay?


You're going to do a class on how to have a great culture. I want to know what's on that syllabus. One, how to again, you've already given a couple of things with humility and self-awareness. If you were going to teach a class to go and help organizations really build a great culture. Number one, I'd like to know what's on the syllabus. And I hate to be negative, and so forgive me for this, but what would you also say as part of the class would be things that you might help people understand are culture killers.     

Oh, gosh, well, actually, I do a talk on this. I was having a conversation with some business owners.

So you are a professor? Let's get this right. I mean, come on, you're having a talk. Come on, come on.

Don't you think of kind of everything you do as being a teacher? I mean, if you're any sort of leader, you're a teacher. But I was talking to these friends of mine about- we were talking about businesses and whatever, and I said, I tend not to look at my business through the lens of a balance sheet. I mean, obviously I look at the balance sheet, but I said it's more like a cultural balance sheet. And I was like, oh, wait a minute, I think that might be a book. So I'm actually working on a book called “Your Cultural Balance Sheet 90 Days to Creating an Environment Where people can Thrive. But the talk really talks about your cultural assets, your cultural liabilities and your cultural equity and recognizing that you have those things and looking through that lens to say, okay, so what are my cultural assets recognizing? I think most people would say, well, yeah, it would be your people. But then do you act like your people are your biggest asset? And then what are specific things that- tasks that you can perform and create your organization to perform that always communicate to your people that they are your most valuable asset? We do something, and this is kind of ties into this, but a lot of organizations give people their total compensation at the time they give them a raise. In my experience, what I found, most of the time people do that because they hear grumblings that people feel like they're not getting paid enough, so they want to go, really? Look, here's what you really get. This is your paycheck, but here's your benefits, and here's this, and here's this, and here's this. Well, we do that, but actually what we call it is You Matter. That's what it called, what the document is actually called. And then there's a paragraph that says you are gracious enough to use your time and talents to feed into our organization, and you know, we appreciate that, and we want to feed back into your life as well. And certainly, while you as an individual are priceless, here is what we can quantify. And then we do the whole total comp thing, but it's the way that it's framed. It's framed like we just you to know that you matter. You actually do matter. And these are the things that we are happy to be able to give you, even as a small organization. We've had health care benefits, insurance for many years, we have matching 401K, we have unlimited time off, we have uber flexibility, all these things because we really want to make people happy. Because that thing that would be in my talk and is, is the hidden cost on a balance sheet that doesn't appear anywhere is employee turnover. And it can be a very expensive cost and you've got all your IP walking out the door if somebody leaves. So, it's kind of an important thing to take a look at even though you might not be able to quantify that turnover. But I can tell you in the years that I've had my company, I think I can count on one hand the number of people who have left. I mean, they don't leave. And most of the people who, certainly the people that I work with the closest, like my leadership team, they all express that they want to retire from this company. And I think that's great. I mean, I'm honored that people want to do that. So that's one of the things that I talk about is your cultural assets, your liabilities, figuring out what those are.      

And give us an example of that. I mean, again, we're coaches and so I don't try to be negative, I hate to say it, but give us some of the liabilities. What are some of the cultural liabilities that are out there?

Well, one of the things that I think I talk about, one of your assets is your values and that your company values should remain the same, remain consistent. They don't change over time. The expression of those values might change over time, but the values themselves don't. And then what I always have taught in our organization is that our values, which are we are empowered, curious, kind and fun, that those values are a thread that runs throughout the organization and upon which all decisions can hang. And then as I always say, we engineer the structure to allow for the weaving of the tapestry. So, we have very specific things that we do in our organization to keep those values top of mind, to really point out how people are living them out, so that it becomes the fabric of the organization. So then when you move into your liabilities, a big liability is if you change your values all the time. Like I said a little earlier, it's like building this culture is a long game. Trust is a very long game and intention and attention take time. And so, if you just change your values willy nilly, well, we don't like that anymore. We don't like that word. We're going to just change it, people don't know what's happening, and they don't have that thread upon which to hang their decisions and their behavior. So, you can very easily turn your asset of values into a liability without working too hard, actually. And also, you can turn your people into a liability by not respecting them, by having a lack of self-awareness that hurts the people that work for you, doesn't recognize the contribution that they make. We talk about life work balance in my organization, not work life balance, because I've always meant that. And also, the reason kindness is of value. When I first started building the business, I said to my accountant at the time, I'd been a freelance writer, and I said, if I can't build a business based on kindness, then I'll go back to being a freelancer. I mean, I didn't know it would turn into what it has, but I can look in retrospect and say, wow, that was a really good intention that I had. And I said it and I meant it. But it wasn't like I thought about it every day. It was just kind of who I was as a person.


"So, you know, being kind to other people is a great way to help maintain your asset of people. But you know, being unkind is a great way to get that hidden cost on your balance sheet. You know, really racking it up by not paying attention to them, not giving them opportunities for growth. I always say I have two ears and one mouth, and I should use them accordingly."

So, I try to remember to not speak as much when I'm talking to someone, to really listen and not interrupt, which is not my natural tendency, by the way. So, I really have to moderate that behavior to let people know they're really seen and heard and appreciated.

Beautiful. Okay. And then we're running out of time. But equity? I hate to make you live out the full metaphor.

It's very much the I'm sure I'm going to go to Simon Sinek, the circle of safety that he talks about in his book. I cannot remember which one it is. It might be Leaders Eat Last, where he talks about the circle of safety, which I think is the whole end result of having a wonderful culture because he explains how the fact that if you have a circle of safety that everyone is pointed inward and they're protecting each other because you have developed this circle of safety. And in order to develop the circle of safety, there's a lot more that you need to do, obviously, I told you talking about building Team EQ, helping people do that, of course, building individual EQ. But Team EQ is different and equally as important and a little more challenging. So, making sure that you have that in place. That you have those values that are the thread that goes throughout your organization. Because when people feel a circle of safety, they can look inward and protect that circle. If they have their backs to each other because they're trying to protect everything, the whole thing falls apart because they're looking at everything outside, and so the whole circle of safety just collapses. So really, intentionally and with attention, building that circle of safety and obviously there's a lot to that, that results in your culture where people can thrive, which is indeed your equity, because it directly feeds to the bottom line of your business. And I have several examples of direct effects to our bottom line, all based on the fact that of our values and also our mission, which is we build relationships one word at a time, and we do that with our vendors, we do that with our clients, we do that with each other, and then we also do it with our client’s patient populations. So, pulling that thread of relationships all the way through helps us not have transactional things happening. It's much richer and deeper than that.        

You know, you're answering the question about, like, anyone listening to this, they might be going, okay, culture this. What's the ROI? And I defy you to go back and listen to Christy in the language that she uses and the work that she does, and not see the ROI in this. Like, it's crazy. I know some people want to go, no, give me the hard numbers, and you and I could probably go, oh, they're so there.   


They're so there. Especially even the comment you made about turnover, that's a hard number. And turnover probably happens because of a lack of culture would be my guess, or at least a lot of times.

Well, the big quip that everybody the great resignation of the big quip people are like, oh, it was COVID, and everything actually, now that, thank goodness it's behind us for the time being, that what they looked at was really people left because their cultures were terrible, their bosses were not nice, the environment wasn't good. It wasn't life affirming in any way, and they were like, I've had enough of this. There's something crazy going on in the world. I'm going to find something that feeds it to my life instead of drains me.

Well, hopefully we can continue that path without having more craziness happen to the world. What do you think?

Yeah, I second that very much. Very much.

All right, well, listen, before we come to a full end, was there something in our time today, because I want to get you back. I want to hear about Team EQ. I got so many questions for you, was there something that you hoped I'd ask you today about the work that you do with people and how you feed into others and have them feed you? I love that language. Was there something you hoped I'd ask you that? I didn't.

I don't think so. I can't really think of anything. I feel like we covered an awful lot of it and got to the heart of really why I do what I do. I had one of my people on my leadership team ask me, like, well, why are we growing? And I was like, well, it's not because I need more shoes. I mean, I think this is fun and I think this is interesting. And we're all learning new things, and we become different people as the organization grows, because you have to be a different person to run an organization of one size to the next size. It's a completely different animal. And we get to share this opportunity with more people, because it's a great place to work. And the more people we can share it with, hopefully the more cascading effect we can have on other businesses, because people will hear about it. And I think about my employees’ children and what they are going to expect from their employers, because they see how their parents are treated and the respect that they get and the flexibility that they get and the joy that they get out of doing the work that they do.  And hopefully it would be, like I said, my hope that they would have that standard for when they go to work, that people don't need to be mean to you. There's no reason to be unkind. Just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean you get to bring that to everybody else. That you just learn to moderate your behavior and grow up and make it pleasant. And, if I could, I would reinvent the way people look at the world of work.        

Well, sounds like you are. Not if you could. Sounds like you absolutely are. And so, Christy, thank you. Thank you for being part of our show. My hand hurts. I literally was scribbling as fast as I could. I have so many great insights. Believe it or not, one of the ones that I really walked away with is it takes time and intention. And what I really liked about that is I know so often, especially in podcasts like this, like, hey, give me the three easy ways to create culture. You're like, no, there aren't any. Yeah, well, it takes time and intention if you can accept those as steps. But your talk on humility and awareness and just the kindness aspect, may we all learn and grow from that and see that this is a huge thing. And so, thank you for the work you do, and thank you so much for the time today. And we'll have you back on and we'll keep digging in.

I would love that. I have thoroughly enjoyed this, and I really appreciate you having me on.

Well, we'll have show notes as to where you can find Christy. And like I said, I would love to have her back on. So, folks, as I say, every time when we end these, Christy has so many great thoughts. But it doesn't really matter what her thoughts are, and it doesn't matter what mine are.  It matters what yours are. So, what were your insights from today? And that's the question we leave with. So, Christy, thanks again. Have a great day, and we'll see you all next time here on The Insight Interviews- Powered by REWIRE.


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